Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Sophomore Year Survival Plan

I am Eric, a 10th grader at Reading Memorial High School. For my History 10 class, I will be keeping a blog that chronicles what I am learning throughout my sophomore year. This is the first of many blog posts that will be posted on a regular basis.
World History Classroom
In the past, the thing that has made a teacher great, better than the rest, is his/her ability to keep a fun class environment while also teaching the material in an interesting and appealing way. There have been too many cases where the teacher has simply put notes on the board and told the class to memorize them for a test. That has not worked particularly well, because memorization is not the same as actually learning and remembering. My favorite teachers of past years have been funny and approachable, but they were still a little bit strict when they needed to be. They have supported me by reinforcing various concepts multiple times so that they truly stuck in my mind, and they have also been there to answer any questions I had about the material.

I agree with John Green that education should be used for a greater good. By living on Planet Earth and using its vital resources, civilians have an obligation to leave the world a better place than how it was when they were born. This year specifically, one of my goals is to get no semester grade lower than a B. To reach this goal, I will hand in all of my assignments on time, make sure to study for all tests and quizzes, and most importantly, I will put forward my best effort in school. A second, non-academic goal that I have for this year is to make the basketball team. There is a lot of tough competition, but it is definitely attainable. In order to give myself the best possible chance of making the team, I will prepare for tryouts by getting in better shape and improving my skills.

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